Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bobby Jindal and the Attack of the Attention-Whore Volcanoes

Tonight marked Diety Obama's first State of the Union address and, while I was impressed (as always) with his words, jokes, and message, I found myself longing for a little something different. I needed some Bobby Jindal. Now, to some, this may seem rather odd. Why would anyone need the governor of Louisiana other than to ask him to make more True Blood episodes...minus the way Bill says 'Sookie'. Let me take you on a little journey back in time a land of volcano hating officials and the consensus that:

I'm sure we can all agree that utilizing government money to track volcanic and seismic activity is a completely stupid and ridiculous idea. Who cares about everyone up near Seattle? Who cares about Alaska? After all - shouldn't Texas get to be the biggest state again? (It's closer to Louisiana). I sat watching the President, I thought fondly of Bobby Jindal and his hilarious ideas. Then...then I did a search...and what I found frightened me...and made me reconsider his position on Alaska.

After this...I have nothing to say...other than to acknowledge the pure terror that's oozing from my pores currently. Such a pretty picture.

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