Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I have decided that I will miss you quite terribly when we've parted ways. That makes me very sad...deep down inside.

Blank Stare

We're talking about and I'm realizing that food isn't doing much for me. I'm in a rut in the sense that I am just so over 'stuff' currently. I'm exhausted from school and work and life in general. That translates into having an even harder time coming up with foods.

I'm frustrated....very few things sound good right now and I almost get into a mini panic when it comes to thinking about Me making something. That's a big problem as I'm about to become extra poor.

I'd be much more relaxed to just eat cereal and fruit for prep involved.

What's my deal??


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Look of Astonishment...

There are a lot of astonishing things in the world. One of the age old astonishing things: managing to scream and rant about something without any real reasoning.

Exhibit A: The passing of the Health Care Reform Bill.

I get that you may be mad, angry, pissed, sad, suicidal, sadistic, etc., about it. However, simply saying: FUCK YOU OBAMA! (without a comma) does not actually address the only further enhances your look of stupidity and arrogance. Give me a reason and I'd take you much more seriously. It seems that everyone is hating on the President currently (but really what's new?) and that's all fine and dandy but they're all short some reasoning. Jumping on the bandwagon without your own reason is pretty much super lame.

I think everyone has a voice and an opinion on the issue and I value hearing both positive and negative viewpoints. That being said, I do not the least..hearing your random, obscenity-ridden bitching. Get over yourself and learn a little bit about the world you reside in.

The shirt reads: Obama-care: Health care hybrid comprised if IRS compassion and Post Office efficiency. Clever but completely pointless and without merit. Then again...when it gets to the point of putting random shit on know an all-time low has been reached.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Fun-Filled Day

So I helped host a delightful birthday party for Melisa Okur...who is she? She's the daughter of one of the stars of the Utah Jazz basketball team. That meant that I was basically famous today. :D

Corinne and I had a grand ol' time being amazing and have decided that we want to be from Turkey too because apparently everyone is stunningly beautiful there.

Here's a pic of Mehmet and the just of Mehmet and his beautiful wife:
(The two of them were BEYOND NICE...absolutely ridiculous)
((I also find it kinda strange that you can type in Mehmet Okur and find these sorts of pics....oh the lives of famous peeps. I was really just hoping for a nice cute one of them and the fam...but this shows off her modeling stuff I suppose - hah))

And then, for Corinne: here's me in a panda suit:

And the Salvatore brothers - you have got to watch this show!

Dinner Date

It's like...who can keep their eyes open allll the time? Exactly. R took me up to Ruth's to celebrate getting into my grad school. It would have been last weekend but I was sick...and then he got sick. We have poor timing but make some cute pictures even if we do have droopy eyes and forget to take the photos half the time. Minor details :D
( are some we remembered to take!)

Ruth's Diner

Kneaders trip!

Being goofy and bad at taking pics

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Videos To Make A Gloomy Day Sunny

Sadly, I have no amazing skills to post the videos on here but, take my word - you want to watch them. Each is no more than 2 minutes but bound to give you oodles of belly laughs.

Kitteh vs. Laser = Kitteh whiplash

Depressed Whales - A Serious Epidemic...

Kittens Inspired by Kittens - hilarious child

Now go have some giggles and delights.

Llamas Are Mean:

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I Miss You

So...I think you should know that I miss you. I miss hanging out with you and being goofy. I miss our talks and all the shared memories. I won't if/when you're ready to spend time together again - you let me know.

I won't be in Utah for much longer and it's been ever so long.

- Dev

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sharpening Pencils

So I ended up needing to sharpen my delightful colored pencils this evening (for a class) and I realized that it's a pretty swell thing to do. Then I realized I hadn't listed some favorite things recently...and I got all sad and shit. So here we go. You should probably like...prepare yourself or something...maybe grab a dessert...just sayin'.
I like puppies...a lot

I like the University of Puget Sound...because I got in and it's pretty swell...and now I'm a big girl and it's sunny in WA - see??

I like the mountains in Utah and I shall be sad when I need to leave.

I really like tulips because they are pretty.

I like The Lonely Island because they make me giggle deep down inside..and they give me crinkly eyes.

I think rainstorms are swell because they're fun to play in.

I think the original Polly Pocket Cinderella Castle was rad. I don't like the new bigger ones. They don't count.

My favorite piece of music is Moonlight Sonata...this was a cool artistic take on it. In my humble opinion.

Sea turtles are really pretty...and cool...and swim well. I wish I could be a sea turtle. When I have kids, their first Halloween costumes will be sea turtles. Don't you even worry.

Elephant Ears - I think it's a Puyallup Fair thing.

Look at all the pretty colored pencils!!!!

That is all. I know you want to share in my favorite things. You can do so by procuring a puppy for me. The end.

What They Didn't Cover in Driver's Ed...

Now...I'm pretty sure that 'Road Head' wasn't addressed in Drivers Ed. I mean..we talked about the repercussions of talking on the phone (this was before texting was big), drinking and driving, etc...but the issue, the societal problem with Road Head, wasn't attended to.

Ladies and gentlemen...all that 'lack of talking' came to a head today....literally. I was almost killed by another case of Road Head Driving. One has to wonder why there are no billboards discussing this treacherous past time as can be found for drinking and texting while driving. I feel, as a victim of a Road Head attack, that such things should be accessible. The public needs to know about what all goes on in a car; when enough is enough; and when the bedroom becomes mobile.

Consider me shocked, horrified, and ready to write a thesis on the dangers of Road Head.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Brambles and Rambles

I've come to accept that my posts never make much sense, are never spaced out properly, and will never be as 'cool' as some of the others I read...and I think that's just fine. Maybe.

I mean, let's face it. I'm random, at times inconsolable, a nap-aholic, and a helmet nazi. I take my roles seriously and I go all out. If I like you...I reallllly like you. If I dislike you.....there's a pretty big death stare that I'll shoot your way. I have my OCD tendencies and the ol' ED pops up routinely (like rent or a bad weed...or an evil step-mother if you're Cinderella). But you know what...overall...I'm an ok person. It's taken 21.5ish years to realize that I'm just as important as the next Joe Shmoe on the street and I'm proud of myself for how far I've come.

I say this as I sit thinking of some of the people I know. Their lows have been lower and their highs higher than mine have (and hopefully ever will) but that does not change our standing. In the end...we're all just little beings of carbon, might, and heart...trying to push an end unknown.

I don't know about you...but I'm scared shitless and aching for tomorrow already.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


In my insatiable glee I've neglected to post on here: I got into the University of Puget Sound's Occupational Therapy Masters Program!!!

This basically means that I'm a big girl, you have to take me seriously, and I know my shit...err...or at least I will sometime soon.

I've wanted this for so long and I'm overjoyed that it came true.

Here's to your dreams coming true too. :D

Monday, March 8, 2010


I'm not even that far off...but when I see this picture it makes me rather nostalgic for that body.

...and that's just lame.

Collection Plate

If you know me, you know that I don't read a lot outside of textbooks. It's therefore an honest assumption that I don't like reading. This however, is simply that: an assumption. I do love myself a good book.

With school and life as chaotic as they are, I find myself rarely craving a reading session and it makes me sad. I wish I could close my Child Psychopathology mammoth and flip around to a delightful little novel to munch on. Alas, it is not so. To content myself with that, I've been slowly building up my library of books I have read and DO love tremendously. Ultimately, having a little 'ol library like this would be grand:

My most recent acquisition: A Prayer For Owen Meany. If you haven't read it, do so...and you might be able to borrow it from me as it arrived safely to my bookshelf just today. It joins A Tale of Two Cities, Rebecca, postsecret books, Northwest Design book, and random other things. I'm pretty sure you're jealous...and I don't blame you.

Checking Off Items

It's only 1pm and I've already accomplished so much on this bright and 'spring-y' day.

Got to work...managed to be super strong. (Check)

Taught some nailed in the hand with a club. (Check)

Bruise (Check)

Signed up to do a birthday party for basically the whole Jazz team's kiddos (Check)
*Super stoked for that tip!*

Once at school: proficiently chastised someone for not staying at home when sick. Seriously people...your germs lead to my demise. Stay home, get better - for your sake and EVERYONE around you. It's not that tough of a concept. Really. (Check)

Left to go:

Get through lame quiz and class.

Go back to work to teach my dance munchkins.

Anxiously see if my letter from University of Puget Sound has arrived.

Here's to a day of delights and bruises.

Friday, March 5, 2010


Boy rhymes with toy...

Girl does not rhyme with toy...

Because you don't play with girls. That is all.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


My dear Brie posted 100 things she wants to do within the next 5 years. I think that's a swell I did it too. Well...I've done 50. Now I'm feeling guilty about leaving my poor little thesis unattended so I'll return to my list another day. In the meantime, here are my first 50. I know you'll be impressed ;)

5 Years = 100 Goals

Successfully grow a tulip plant from bulb to bloom
Learn to make/enjoy making at least one food dish (no microwave)
Obtain a hammock
Graduate with my masters in Occupational Therapy
Get a new car…a vroom vroom one…perhaps a Volvo
Have very little if any school loans to still pay back
Be a-ok single…and better off for it.
Welcome George into my life – even if his name isn’t George.
Take a get-away with Tina to someplace exotic
Help out my grandparents as much as possible
Scream…really really loud
Build an epic living room fort
Create an impressive library collection
Become more organized
Be a big sister (Big Brothers/Big Sisters)
Sing in front of someone – for realsies
Saving up and be almost ready to buy a house…a cute little house with a garden and a hammock…and a window seat
Easily read Le Petit Prince in French…to my cat.
Have a cat
Hopefully also a dog by then
Make sure ‘George’ knows how to give great massages/take classes
Increase my vintage hat/clothes collection
Take a dance class again
Accepting ‘things’ from others….being ok with others pampering me – not just myself. I am worth it and should not feel guilty
Nix the meds
Donate time/money/items on a regular basis
Love myself compassionately
Stomp in a ton of puddles
Always have fresh flowers in my home
Eat veggies
Frolic on the beach
Finish watching alllll the seasons of Grey’s Anatomy
Explore my architecture interests
Teach – I like teaching
Eat frozen grapes off of toothpicks
Stand still in a rain/lightening storm
Be green…probably just a light green. I’m not super good at it.
Be naked for an entire day…and actually look at my body without judging it
Re-read the Chronicles of Narnia series
Find 5 new secret spots
Stay in touch with people – no matter where or how busy I am
Go on a business trip
Give a speech and beat my record of 300 members of the audience
Tell ____ how I really feel
Stay current on my world issues
Plan a humanitarian trip
Try not to freak out about said trip
Live in the big girl world but still relish my little girl side
Jump on a trampoline…a lot

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Perpetual 25th Mile of the Race

So it's March 1st...and spring break...and there's about 27 days left of school...and it's agonizing. I'm so ready to be done with Westminster. I'm ready to know the answer from University of Puget Sound. I'm ready to start the next chapter...and yet, I'm scared shitless.

Ryan was chatting with me about once I move back to Seattle and everything associated with it last night and it dawned on me that it's coming up...that each day drags me closer and closer. It's funny because some days I'm practically bounding forward, aching to reach July 1st.
Other days it fully hits and I want to latch onto whatever I can and never let go. Think about it...I've got 4 months from today. 4 short months to wrap up everything here, edit the chapter, dot the I's, cross the T's, and begin the next chapter.

Right now though...right now I just want to finish this semester...graduate...become a 'big girl' at long last and perhaps, just perhaps finally be taken seriously. It's a hope at least ;)