Sunday, March 21, 2010

Fun-Filled Day

So I helped host a delightful birthday party for Melisa Okur...who is she? She's the daughter of one of the stars of the Utah Jazz basketball team. That meant that I was basically famous today. :D

Corinne and I had a grand ol' time being amazing and have decided that we want to be from Turkey too because apparently everyone is stunningly beautiful there.

Here's a pic of Mehmet and the just of Mehmet and his beautiful wife:
(The two of them were BEYOND NICE...absolutely ridiculous)
((I also find it kinda strange that you can type in Mehmet Okur and find these sorts of pics....oh the lives of famous peeps. I was really just hoping for a nice cute one of them and the fam...but this shows off her modeling stuff I suppose - hah))

And then, for Corinne: here's me in a panda suit:

And the Salvatore brothers - you have got to watch this show!

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