Tuesday, October 6, 2009

PostSecrets That I Desperately Want To Send In

I keep meaning to send in some PostSecrets...some in the hope that they'll make it to the right person...so here are the ones I want to do.

Whenever I pet a golden retriever…
I think of you and Jaffy…
And I smile a small, sad smile.

I’ll still wait…
But you can come back now.
The door is open and the porch light on.

I like this school…
But tickets are too damn expensive
For when I need an escape.

I’ve worked with hundreds of kids.
Out of those, I have seen about 5 children that make me want my own
And just a handful of parents that I admire and respect.
Parents: your actions have consequences…just look at your little hellions.

You are too easy.
I don’t need to convince you (me) of my worth…
And consequently, you bore me.
How sick is that?

George Anderson:
I’ve waited a long time for you…
What if you’re a lie?

We’re done…
But occasionally a part
of me cares