Tuesday, June 9, 2009

He's Just Not That Into You

Fabulous movie - even better message.Who the hell needs a guy, right? In all honesty, they can be fun at times but so annoying and aggravating most of the time. I have much more important things to do with my life than sit around petting egos, being the arm candy, the disposable toy.

For those of you who don't know, I've taken up dating like a guy. It's actually quite interesting. I'm by no means a pro, but it is a learning experience...that's for sure.

This blog will, for a short time at least, become rather like Secret Diary of a Call Girl. How so? A bit of a diary of the down and dirty. Mind you, nothing too risque...although very few people read this anyways ;)

Let's review how last night went:

8pm - met up with Dan. I had been promised a fabulous massage and was definitely let down. He's a bit of a cocky bastard and I don't anticipate seeing him again. I don't do cocky and I don't play his sort of games.

10pm - dropped Dan off and texted Kevin. I was on my way to the store for some yum yums but thought I'd give Kevin a try. As luck would have it, the sexy chef/army Sergeant happened to have made some delicious chicken Alfredo and rolls. Score for me. We hung out for a while, he wore his uniform (mmmm dirty) and then I got bored.

Kevin is one of those guys who asks for a kiss and we emerge 20 minutes later. He doesn't really understand (respect) the concept of a peck kiss. Let's be honest here...he was busy trying to please me...and I was thinking about a decent way to leave gracefully. He's a fairly talented guy, extra hot, army, cook, blah blah blah...but I dunno...a tad on the boring side. I'll keep him around though - he is sweet and does indeed mean well...in a physical way at least. Not sure he cares on the emotional level which is fine since I don't either ;)

Boys are silly creatures...they have a hard time balancing the chase with the extremes. I'm absolutely turned off by the guys waiting on my every move...and frustrated beyond words at those who play fucked up mind games. I'm going to let you in on a secret boys...girls like a bit of a chase. We want respect. We want teasing. We want cute little presents. We don't want to be smothered.

Hmmm this gives me material for another post: What to do and what not to do to get the girl:

As for the ending of this - here are some lyrics from my uber fabulous Jenna:

I am extraordinary, if you'd ever get to know me I am extraordinary, I am just your ordinary average every day sane psycho super-goddess

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