Now...I'm pretty sure that 'Road Head' wasn't addressed in Drivers Ed. I mean..we talked about the repercussions of talking on the phone (this was before texting was big), drinking and driving, etc...but the issue, the societal problem with Road Head, wasn't attended to.
Ladies and gentlemen...all that 'lack of talking' came to a head today....literally. I was almost killed by another case of Road Head Driving. One has to wonder why there are no billboards discussing this treacherous past time as can be found for drinking and texting while driving. I feel, as a victim of a Road Head attack, that such things should be accessible. The public needs to know about what all goes on in a car; when enough is enough; and when the bedroom becomes mobile.
Consider me shocked, horrified, and ready to write a thesis on the dangers of Road Head.
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