There are a lot of astonishing things in the world. One of the age old astonishing things: managing to scream and rant about something without any real reasoning.
Exhibit A: The passing of the Health Care Reform Bill.
I get that you may be mad, angry, pissed, sad, suicidal, sadistic, etc., about it. However, simply saying: FUCK YOU OBAMA! (without a comma) does not actually address the only further enhances your look of stupidity and arrogance. Give me a reason and I'd take you much more seriously. It seems that everyone is hating on the President currently (but really what's new?) and that's all fine and dandy but they're all short some reasoning. Jumping on the bandwagon without your own reason is pretty much super lame.
I think everyone has a voice and an opinion on the issue and I value hearing both positive and negative viewpoints. That being said, I do not the least..hearing your random, obscenity-ridden bitching. Get over yourself and learn a little bit about the world you reside in.

The shirt reads: Obama-care: Health care hybrid comprised if IRS compassion and Post Office efficiency. Clever but completely pointless and without merit. Then again...when it gets to the point of putting random shit on know an all-time low has been reached.
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