So it's March 1st...and spring break...and there's about 27 days left of school...and it's agonizing. I'm so ready to be done with Westminster. I'm ready to know the answer from University of Puget Sound. I'm ready to start the next chapter...and yet, I'm scared shitless.
Ryan was chatting with me about once I move back to Seattle and everything associated with it last night and it dawned on me that it's coming up...that each day drags me closer and closer. It's funny because some days I'm practically bounding forward, aching to reach July 1st.
Other days it fully hits and I want to latch onto whatever I can and never let go. Think about it...I've got 4 months from today. 4 short months to wrap up everything here, edit the chapter, dot the I's, cross the T's, and begin the next chapter.
Right now though...right now I just want to finish this semester...graduate...become a 'big girl' at long last and perhaps, just perhaps finally be taken seriously. It's a hope at least ;)
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