It's only 1pm and I've already accomplished so much on this bright and 'spring-y' day.
Got to work...managed to be super strong. (Check)
Taught some nailed in the hand with a club. (Check)
Bruise (Check)
Signed up to do a birthday party for basically the whole Jazz team's kiddos (Check)
*Super stoked for that tip!*
Once at school: proficiently chastised someone for not staying at home when sick. Seriously people...your germs lead to my demise. Stay home, get better - for your sake and EVERYONE around you. It's not that tough of a concept. Really. (Check)
Left to go:
Get through lame quiz and class.
Go back to work to teach my dance munchkins.
Anxiously see if my letter from University of Puget Sound has arrived.
Here's to a day of delights and bruises.
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