Saturday, July 10, 2010

When All Else Fades

I've made the big move back to Seattle and am attempting to settle in a bit...definitely missing my city of the salty lake though. I've already got my first trip back set up - next month. I know...kinda desperate of me but what can ya do?

It's frustrating because everyone keeps saying that I'll make new friends..that it'll be ok. Well...I know I'll make new friends and I'm not at all concerned about it. The thing is...I will miss and treasure my friendships in Salt Lake. It's just not the same being so far away. I can't go see Jenna whenever I need to. I can't entertain the thought of hanging out with Ryan. I can't go cuddle with Andrew and I certainly can't go get Kneaders. I'm not concerned about making new friends. I'm concerned about growing apart from my home and my 'family' there.

It'll be ok of course...I'm not worried about that either. I just hope that the relationships I treasure don't become the relationships I treasured

Here's to 'making new friends but keeping the old'...because ya know... 'one is silver and the other's gold'. Or..something like that.

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