Dearest EC,
I love the way even your presence brings me such great joy. I love your carefree nature and flexibility. If I decide I want to do something else with're perfectly content to come along for the ride. I love how well you get along with Tina...because that's important.
There are so many interesting aspects about you...different flavors if you will. I love getting to know each one - really spending time with you. truly are an incredible being.

It hurts to say this we go. Sometimes it feels like too much of you is simply too much. I adore you, yes..but I feel as if you have a toxic grip on me if we spend too much time together. I can literally feel you killing me slowly...and I hate it. I hate it so SO SO much.
I don't like to put limits on our relationship but, for my health and sanity, I'm afraid I must. Wouldn't want you causing me a heart attack now would we?
So, dear EC, I am to be yours...sparingly..which translates to roadtrips and/or every 6 months. Until we meet again...

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