I've started to put in more time studying and it's been paying off. A pop quiz yesterday in anatomy saw me scoring 100% (spelling might have been a bit off but all the actual components were right) Wow - it was such a great feeling!! I've found study partners, the way I study best, quiet times to slip into various rooms to work, etc.
So, even though the volume of homework and studying isn't decreasing (at. all.) things are looking up and I don't feel like I'm struggling to stay afloat quite as much. With that being said, one of my classmates has started a 'Thanksgiving A Day" posting. Each day for the month of November she writes at least one thing she's grateful for. Naturally, I think it's a stellar plan and think I'll do it as well... Here we go:
November 1st: I'm grateful that studying has paid off
November 2nd: I'm grateful for crisp fall days with leaves blustering around me, the ocean waves rolling in, and the first chai eggnog of the season in my hand.
(Please ignore the strange yellow tint and lack of nose...silly cellphone camera)
I'm so proud of you for moving into the flow of accepting the burden. It seems that, for some odd reason, the human brain can cope with things it thinks it HAS to deal with, and accepting that this is your path (like you said, "go big to go home...") will make it easier because it takes the "well, maybe I could just be done" factor out of it.
ReplyDeleteYou are an amazing woman, and I look up to you in every way except for one, and that's just because I was born taller than you. ;)