From there, I think I want my bathroom to inherit some of my bedroom decor from the 'blue phase'.
Oh for the day when this is the place I call home...with two kitties of course...and lots of blankies.
From there, I think I want my bathroom to inherit some of my bedroom decor from the 'blue phase'.
Oh for the day when this is the place I call home...with two kitties of course...and lots of blankies.
I've got to say...I did not see this coming. There are lows that are understandable, forgivable, whatever...then there are lows that are just trashy and reflect badly on the person doing the lowering.
Like I talked about in my last post, I'm finally to a point where I'm doing things for me. As selfish as it sounds, I truly am the most important person in my life. I can't help or be there for anyone else if I'm not taking care of myself first.
So here I am, exercising my right and I suppose it's understandable that it may not rub well with some people. That's ok - everyone's entitled to their own opinions. It becomes a bit of an issue when my choices are kicked through the mud and twisted.
The thing is, for the first time (gotta love firsts) I don't care. This is my life and, damn-it, I'll live it as I please.
It's time for a wild ride but I'm ever so excited...and that's truly all that counts.
I'm in a place where my stressors and hardships are normal...relatable...and dealable. After being through the hell I have, I know that pretty much anything is manageable - as shitty as it might feel at the time.
I guess you could say I'm grateful for my worries in a weird, twisted way.
...Never thought I'd say that though...hah.
My Tina is coming to visit! Granted, it's not under the happiest of circumstances but I'm absolutely thrilled to have her here. We shall have mucho fun and I've got a done of secret stuff planned to help the happiness levels go up.
Weeeee good times to be sure. Ryan and his soul-pal thing are starting to annoy me. Oh, when do I get my blanket back anyways? hmmmmm