Yes...yes I do believe it's a happy post at long last! Now that certainly doesn't mean that fabulous things haven't been happening but those around me have certainly had their fair share of shitty things occur lately and, consequently, I feel for them.
This post is about the wonders of Utah Pride 2010. Ah yes, I've spent a bit of time at Pride. Last year I worked the booth for 10,000 Villages and had a surprisingly decent time in the rain. This year was much different and better. It was in the low 80's, bright, clear skies, and I got to see the parade!
Here's Adam representing gays who honorably serve in our Armed Forces. I heart that kid, mucho. I'm also quite glad that things are slowly but surely taking shape regarding the outdated "don't ask, don't tell" policy. But, let's be was never "indated"'s always been wrong. The end.

My dear Andrew got to get allllllll dressed up in his leather regalia and throw his new whip around a bit. The night before I got to throw it around for A taught me how to use it. I'm not good at all though.
Then he found me and caught me! Eeeeep!
I also got to spend time with my Stacy and Kada and explore the festival a bit. Chatted with a tipsy Matt...who was still ridiculously cute - duh - and even managed to get the back of one arm burned...but just one, mind you.
I love Pride and I love how happy and accepting people are there. Yay for social progress!