So...I think it's fair to say that there comes a time when one is just...just done. It's even fairer to say I'm miles past that point already.
I find myself stuck in a catch-22. There are parts of me that are so excited to pack up and move on to the next chapter of my life. I'm ready for a new room, my bitchy cats, own bathroom (don't hate..I'm a girl), and being one step closer to having my fantabulous career. Then I realize I have to say goodbye to people and places here. I think that's rather shitty.
So, while there are some parts of this moment in time that I can't wait to move on from, the ones that keep me pining for (gulp...never thought I'd say this) Utah are a bit overwhelming. I'd prefer not to have the reasons I want to leave be increased however...just an fyi.
I think it's time to sharpen some more colored pencils and get some sleep.