Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fantasy Vs. Reality

Where does fantasy end and reality begin and how can I change it? I want my dreamland to be reality ever so badly.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Dear John: I Hate Deja Vu

So...went and saw the always dreamy, Channing Tatum today in his latest feature film: Dear John.

Pro: Really hot, shirtless, and sentimental Channing Tatum

Con: How about ALLLLL the reminders of my relationship with Mark? Really...pretty sure the moon comment and the notes and the tough airport moments were ours...and not for the delightfully yummy Channing and his blonde bombshell.

Just saying.

I certainly didn't ask or need to see those scenes replayed. Rude, rude directors. Hot, hot CT made it a bit better

Sunday, February 14, 2010

White Tulips and Clean Rooms

I love tulips. It's no big secret and certainly no surprise if you know me. When I get tulips...I tend to obsessively treasure them. I'll admit...it's a tad weird but damn, if they're your favorite flowers, you gotta do what you gotta do.

This week, R did two things splendidly: he gave me white tulips and effectively got me to and from a fancy restaurant for Valentines Day. (That's quite a feat) It's important to note that I HATE fancy restaurants when others are paying. It goes back to the whole "I'm not worth it to spend allll that money". So, I end up usually just getting a pathetic excuse for a salad or appetizer and calling it good. But that was flipped upside down on Friday. Why? Ryan didn't go for that. What did I go for then? This, my dear readers...this:

And guess what...I liked it! I didn't even feel that guilty about the money. Shweet - score one for this grrrl.

I've been cleaning my room today. I suppose that, with the tulips perched nearby, I feel a tad like spring is in the air. This is no regular clean. This is a hardcore, multi-day saga of cleanliness and joy. It's a time to reflect on all the crap I'm getting rid of and save those few bobbles that make me giggle. I'd like to announce that I'm done...but sadly...I'm only 2/3. If you think about it though, that's still pretty fabulous and my room is looking all stellar and shit.

I'm nannying tonight for these two cute little boys. I've decided that they'll grow up to have Librarian fetishes.

One day at work, when I'd been super lazy and refused to put in contacts or do my hair, I appeared in glasses and a messy ponytail. After class these two little boys went home and told their mothers that: "Miss Devon wore her hair up and had her glasses on". One point for the nerds of the world.

It's also important to point out that I was drunk-texted by one of the moms for a good 1/2 hour last night. Hah - classic! I love moms like this.

Happy Valentines Day!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

It's Always The Small Things

It's little confessions like these that truly break my heart. I hope they can swap stickers again sometime soon.


So...this whole BDSM community...

I often wonder about the reasoning behind people's joining. For some, it's a simple matter of it turns them on, they like the exhibitionism, etc. For others though, I really have to wonder.

When I see an emaciated girl with over 200 pictures of herself on her profile....I wonder. When I see her pictures post-self mutilation...I wonder. What does she get out of this? Does she get an excuse and an acceptable space to hurt herself in the name of art? Does she get to exercise her need for perfect self control?

As lame as it sounds, I hurt for her. I want to shake her violently and tell her that this isn't the way to do it. The attention that she's craving....this isn't how she should go about getting it. Masking her problems with a (somewhat) more acceptable facade isn't going to change the fact that she's irreversibly hurting herself.

K...that's all.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Bubbles and Delightful Movies

Aaahhh - a glorious night.

I had work this evening which, in general, isn't too bad but also isn't my idea of an ideal evening. Au contraire, mes amies! Tonight was simply magnifique!

I firmly believe that all young peeps need to be educated in the ways of Disney classics. I myself shall (if I ever have munchkins) procure all Disney and expose.

Tonight was Sleeping Beauty. Now...any Disney movie that is ALSO a ballet is bound to be good. Also, any girl that has two names and is also a princess incognito has got to be f-in badass.

I command you all to go out, rent the delightful film, and spend some quality time with the idealistic/unrealistic Disney romances...they make everything a bit better. Truly.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Good...The Bad...The Ugly

I wanted to enlighten a few of you to my multiple sides...mind you..not multiple personalities becuase that, my friends, is a mental condition that we must not make light of.

In any event, I have the following in a variety amounts on any given day.

There's my 'good' side. That's the part that actually cares about others, does her homework, plans cute little things, etc.

The bad: hmmm now bad can be thought of in a variety of ways. You can be bad/naughty...you can be bad/messy...etc. Umm I have bad sides for sure.

Last, but not least, I have my ugly side. I try hard to not let this side out too much but, when I do, it comes out full force.

It absolutely did today...

I'll be mailing your mother a package. In it you'll find the wedding planning book she gave me when we got engaged, a penguin and stone you gave me, and a number of other trinkets including the ring. Perhaps your fiance can make use of them. Have fun.